Tue 08/23 | Lecture |
Introduction to the course, Introduction to project 1
Project 1 Release
Thu 08/25 | Lecture |
An overview of Internet, network edge and core (Sec 1.1-1.3)
Tue 08/30 | Lecture |
Delay, loss, and throughput, protocol layers, service models, intro to security (Sec 1.4-1.6)
Thu 09/01 | Lecture |
Principles of network applications (Sec 2.1)
Tue 09/06 | Lecture |
Web and HTTP (Sec 2.2)
Project 1 Due
Thu 09/08 | Lecture |
FTP (Sec 2.3), Overview of transport layer, Multiplexing (Sec 3.1-3.2)
Tue 09/13 | Lecture |
Principles of reliable data transfer (Sec 3.4)
Thu 09/15 | Lecture |
Principles of reliable data transfer, TCP (Sec 3.4-3.5)
Tue 09/20 | Lecture |
TCP (Sec 3.5)
Thu 09/22 | Lecture |
TCP, Principles of Congestion Control (Sec 3.5-3.6)
Tue 09/27 | Lecture |
TCP Congestion Control (Sec 3.7)
Thu 09/29 | Lecture |
Socket programming (Sec 2.7)
Project 2 Release
Tue 10/04 | Lecture |
DNS (Sec 2.5)
Thu 10/06 | Special |
Guest lecture: Network Security (by Xianghang Mi)
Tue 10/11 | Exam |
Midterm exam
Thu 10/13 | Lecture |
Overview of the network layer, virtual circuit and datagram networks (Sec 4.1-4.2)
Tue 10/18 | Lecture |
What's inside a router (Sec 4.3)
Thu 10/20 | Lecture |
IP: Internet protocol (Sec 4.4)
Tue 10/25 | Lecture |
Routing algorithms (Sec 4.5)
Project 2 Due
Project 3 Release
Thu 10/27 | Lecture |
Routing algorithms (Sec 4.5)
Tue 11/01 | Lecture |
Internet Routing (Sec 4.6)
Thu 11/03 | Lecture |
Link layer introduction, error detection and correction (Sec 5.1-5.2)
Tue 11/08 | Lecture |
Multiple access protocols (Sec 5.3)
Thu 11/10 | Lecture |
LAN (Sec 5.4)
Tue 11/15 | Lecture |
MPLS, data center networking (Sec 5.5-5.6)
Thu 11/17 | Lecture |
Network security (Sec 8.1-8.3)
Tue 11/22 | No Class |
Thanksgiving break
Thu 11/24 | No Class |
Thanksgiving break
Tue 11/29 | Lecture |
Network security (Sec 8)
Thu 12/01 | Lecture |
Course summary
Tue 12/06 | Special |
Office Hour
Thu 12/08 | Special |
Office Hour
Project 3 Due
Thu 12/15 | Exam |
Final exam (8:00A-10:00A)